Preparing Your Rental Property for a Photoshoot

Elevate Your Rental Appeal – Stunning Photography by UAV Vision Media’s Native American Photographers


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Step-by-Step Guide to Prepping Your Rental Property for Stunning Photos

In today’s blog, we go over how to prepare your rental property for an upcoming photoshoot. When it comes to attracting potential tenants, a picture is worth a thousand words. Professional well-staged photos can make a significant difference in how your rental property is perceived and can lead to quicker and more profitable rentals. At UAV Vision Media, we are trained and prepared to help answer any questions that you may have prior to your photoshoot. Here’s a comprehensive step by step guide to help you out. 

  1. Clean and Declutter

First impressions are crucial. Ensure your property is spotless:

  • Deep Cleaning: Hire professional cleaners if necessary. Pay attention to details like windows, baseboards, and light fixtures.
  • Decluttering: Remove personal items, excessive furniture, and any clutter. Less is more! This helps in making spaces look larger and more inviting.


  1. Stage the Property

Staging helps potential tenants visualize themselves living in the space:

  • Furniture Arrangement: Arrange furniture to highlight the space’s functionality and flow. Consider removing bulky items that can make rooms appear smaller.
  • Decor: Use neutral, tasteful decor. Add elements like fresh flowers, throw pillows, and area rugs to add warmth without overwhelming the space.


  1. Enhance Curb Appeal

The exterior of your property sets the stage for what’s inside:

  • Landscaping: Mow the lawn, trim hedges, and plant flowers. Make sure walkways are clean and clear.
  • Exterior Cleaning: Power wash the exterior, clean windows, and ensure that the entrance is welcoming. A fresh coat of paint on the door can make a big difference.


  1. Lighting is Key

Good lighting can transform photos:

  • Natural Light: Schedule the photoshoot for a time when your property receives the most natural light. Open curtains and blinds to let in as much light as possible.


  1. Highlight Key Features

Showcase what makes your property unique:

  • Special Features: Highlight features like fireplaces, built-in bookshelves, or unique architectural details.
  • Amenities: If your property has amenities like a pool, gym, or scenic views, ensure these are photographed as well.


  1. Final Touches

Before the photographer arrives, do a final walkthrough:

  • Tidy Up: Ensure everything is in its place and surfaces are clean.
  • Personal Touches: Add final touches like fresh towels in the bathroom or a bowl of fruit in the kitchen to add a homey feel.



Preparing your rental property for a photoshoot takes time and effort, but the payoff is worth it. Our professional photos can attract more interest and lead to faster bookings at better rates. At UAV Vision Media, we are here to help you through this process and make this a great experience for you. Contact us today to schedule your next photoshoot and give your rental property the competitive edge it deserves.

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