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FAQs: Answers You Are Searching For

What documents do I need for a real estate photography session in St. Paul?

You do not need any documents for a real estate photography session. Simply just book your order online and the photographer will show up on the day of your appointment. 

Do I need to provide any paperwork before the real estate photographer arrives?

No. You do not need to provide any paperwork.

Is a photography agreement form necessary for real estate photos in MN?

In most cases, a photography agreement is not required.

What legal documents are essential for real estate photography in the Twin Cities?

You do not need any documents for a photoshoot with UAV Vision Media. 

How should I prepare documents for a real estate photography shoot in the Twin Cities?

The main document you’ll need to review is our ‘Preparing for the Photographer Checklist,’ which we provide to help get your home photo-ready.

How detailed should the property information be for a real estate photographer in St. Paul?

Please provide us the correct address and square footage of your home prior to your photoshoot with us.

Do I need to provide property blueprints for a real estate photography session in MN?

No, you do not need to provide blueprints.

Can I email the required documents to the real estate photographer before the shoot?

You can email any document that you’d like if you think it will help our company with your photoshoot. 

Are there any special forms needed for photographing historic properties in Minneapolis?

You do not need any forms for your photoshoot with UAV Vision Media.

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